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Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karakaşoğlu

XENOS / Mitglied / Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karakaşoğlu

About me

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karakaşoğlu is Professor for Intercultural Education at the University of Bremen. She was a member of the XENOS board until 2019 and is now a member of the funding committee.

Why I am supporting XENOS

I first became acquainted with the work of Xenos when I took on the position of Vice President for Internationality and Diversity in 2011. As a Vice President I cooperated intensively with the International Office of the University of Bremen and met many international students who faced great personal and financial challenges in an environment new to them and far from their families. Xenos does important work in providing unbureaucratic support to students who are in need due to problems not of their own making. It enables them to concentrate on completing their studies despite financial bottlenecks caused by problematic situations in their country of origin, illness or personal strokes of fate. Xenos support thus helps to build a professional future.