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XENOS / Archiv
XENOS with new website

XENOS with new website

Our new website is published. The website can now be accessed independently of the university and offers a lot of information for those seeking help, members of the association and also people who would like to support us and the students.
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Flyer for download

Flyer for download

The flyer's here. You can download it or get it in print at our locations. The flyer provides general information about the association, contact details and information about donation opportunities.
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Beim Open Campus vertreten

Beim Open Campus vertreten

Beim diesjährigen Open Campus der Universität Bremen wird der Verein XENOS vertreten sein. Bei unserem Stand auf dem Universitätsgelände stellen wir uns und unsere Arbeit vor und informieren über unsere Fördermöglichkeiten und Abläufe.
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